Refund policy

Refund policy

Our satisfaction is that you as a customer are satisfied with your purchase and for all this we aim to always provide you with the best service and resolve any inconvenience that may arise in the purchase process, therefore, our refund policies are as follows :

- There is no cash or monetary refund, you are credited with the value of the product, an amount that you can use for the same product or another.

If the value of the product chosen as an exchange is greater, you must cancel the difference in prices.

-If any product has a factory defect, please contact us through the means provided at the end of this section within a maximum of 3 days after receiving your order. After these 3 days, no changes or returns are accepted.

email: or whatsapp +504 98191138. Specify the reason.

- You must send the product in its original packaging to avoid any damage during transit from one city to another. Include in the package a copy of your order confirmation (email you received when I confirmed your order)

- The product must be returned within 7 days of receipt, in the original shipping condition and with the respective original vignette without alterations. If, upon inspection of the returned product, damage is noted or use is suspected, we reserve the right to accept the part for exchange.

- The return shipping cost is the responsibility of the customer.